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On the first traffic stop I made alone it never crossed my mind that ‘Malarkey’ probably wasn’t the driver’s name
Follow these tips to keep your everyday carry knife in top condition
Learn how Zero Tolerance Knives are designed and produced in Oregon with the end user in mind
Take our quick quiz to find out what kind of knife suits you best
So that you can beat all the odds that are against you, maintaining adequate LEO physical fitness should be your own personal condition of employment
Cops often arrive first on the scene of a residential fire, playing a crucial role in keeping residents safe until the fire department can arrive and evacuate victims
The stellar performances of officers investigating VIPs is often unheralded, washed out by the blinding light of the celebrity involved
Socially networking with your community offers priceless positive-impact opportunities as long as your agency creates its online presence the right way
Remembering why you got into this profession and reminding yourself of it every day is crucial to having both a healthy career and retirement
Follow these strategies for pre-planning and day-of execution to achieve a successful active shooter drill or violent threat mass casualty exercise
To get into law enforcement, you have to be physically fit, emotionally balanced and mentally sharp – but how many of us maintain those qualities as our careers progress?
For emergency responders, trauma from responding to an act of mass violence can create a cyclical pattern of negative thinking
If your agency is considering creating a viral video, follow these five steps for success
The real measure of courage is getting past the fear, even when you’re scared out of your mind
Working out not only relieves stress, but also helps reduce chronic body pain and the possibility of being injured on duty
Learn how to speak illustratively, which allows oral board members to not just hear the answer, but see and experience it as well
Make sure to share your results and challenge your colleagues to match or beat your score
Test your health knowledge with this 10-question quiz
Make sure to share your quiz results and challenge your colleagues to match or beat your score
The public often second guesses actions of officers days or weeks after high-profile events – here’s how police leaders can direct the discussion
Police officers are human beings watching inhuman things – it takes resilience to cope with and overcome traumatic events
How can leaders motivate their officers to perform at optimal levels?
For this cop, his dream to become a police officer started at a young age
A passionate foot patrol officer can impact a beat positively by improving the public perception of an agency
On the morning my wife’s uncle died, I can’t recall what the police officers told me about what had happened, but I do remember how the officers made me feel
While law enforcement agencies tout the value and need for succession planning, few actually have or employ any formal plan
When team members are invested in their roles and contributions, you have the highest probability for a successful outcome
From the police force that protects our nation’s marine wildlife to the New York cops who deal exclusively in sanitation issues
Knowing when your questioning during a traffic stop triggers Miranda – or not – can be the difference between your evidence being suppressed – or not
Police officers nationwide face daily criticism and scrutiny of their actions; here’s how to ensure this doesn’t lead to ‘de-policing’ at your PD
There is never a “routine” day in law enforcement, and these videos prove it