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The FirstNet topic features news about the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) and analysis of its impact on law enforcement and public safety communications. Authorized by Congress in 2012, FirstNet has built and now operates the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities. Find out how to implement FirstNet in your agency, how FirstNet bolsters first responder communications during special events, read case studies from law enforcement agencies improving their applications of technology through FirstNet, and see if you are a FirstNet expert.

Find out how 5G enables public safety agencies to respond faster with real-time information that keeps first responders and their communities safer
Connect your agency’s rugged mobile computing tools to the FirstNet public safety wireless network for fast, reliable, dedicated broadband coverage across the country
If you think rugged hardware with top-notch processing power is out of reach for your agency, here’s a handful of reasons to think again
Future public safety communications will take advantage of those ubiquitous cell phone towers, but will be sending and receiving on channels that can’t be clogged up with traffic by regular cellular users in an emergency