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Xtreme Green Electric Vehicles launch new police ATV at IACP 2016

The new XFORCE PRO UTV runs on a lithium ion phosphate battery system, and can go up to 60 miles on a single charge


Xtreme Green Electric Vehicles at IACP 2016.

PoliceOne Photo/Doug Wyllie

While wandering the expo floor at IACP 2016, I came upon a group of vehicles which caught my eye. Amid the helicopters, armored vehicles, and squad cars, were the Xtreme Green Electric Vehicles booth, featuring several small all-terrain and personal vehicles, all of which operate entirely on electricity.

The new XFORCE PRO UTV runs on a lithium ion phosphate battery system, and can go up to 60 miles on a single charge. Because the vehicle uses that unique battery system — which has no “memory” — the vehicle can be “topped off” with a recharge even when it is only halfway depleted.

The company offers options for a larger battery that can get up to 100 miles on a charge, and there are different voltage choices (72 and 96). Power steering is standard, as is independent suspension for off-road capabilities. XFORCE PRO UTV is engineered with heavy-duty brake systems as well as a full-color center console and instrument panel.

Neil Roth, chief operating officer for Xtreme Green Electric Vehicles, told Police1, “This new vehicle here will do anything that a gas vehicle will do. The exciting part is that if you replace a gas version of this with ours, you’ll reduce carbon emissions by 10 times. The gas versions of this are four-by-fours with no catalytic converters to protect the environment. Obviously, there’s also a smell and a noise factor. But the real reason to go into electric is that it makes sense from a financial point of view. For every thousand dollars-worth of gas at $3 a gallon, it only costs ten $10 to run our vehicle compared to that.

Roth started the company in 2005 in his garage, and officially incorporated in 2007. The company already has dozens of law enforcement customers, and is hoping that this larger vehicle will appeal to those agencies as well as others. The most obvious potential departments are campus police, as well as PDs that have large -scale outdoor events (music festivals and the like) as well as vast amounts of parkland.

Roth said that his vehicles are completely built in the United States, at his Las Vegas manufacturing facility that employs about two dozen workers.

For more information, check out the Xtreme Green Electric Vehicles website.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.