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Lose yourself in these songs as you work out for your physical and mental health
What you think might be good for you could have hidden surprises
A career in law enforcement is a calling and one that often cannot be ignored – even by some of America’s celebrities
The Four Cs response model can help cut down on confusion and stress, and get officers out of crisis mode quicker
Social media is a powerful tool for law enforcement agencies, but engaging on such a public platform without a clear strategy can set an agency up for failure
Edged-weapon assaults are unpredictable, dynamic and deadly dangerous
It’s critical to have a thorough process in place for evaluating and selecting a new duty firearm
If investigators learn about a suspect’s possible motive, they can then develop an appropriate interrogation theme
Follow these steps to prioritize officer safety on every shift
Here’s some of the best YouTube content geared toward LEOs
Many public safety employees experience a type of identity crisis when they leave the job – here are some ways to cope
Planning ahead is key to a happy and healthy retirement from law enforcement
The transition to civilianhood is not easy, even under the best of circumstances
While the ‘FBI Miami shootout’ is best known for its influence on the development of better ammunition for law enforcement, there are other important lessons to learn
A balance of both live-fire range training and FoF training or video simulation is the best option for officers
Officers have no idea what they will find when they respond to a call from a man asking that an officer be sent to shoot and kill him
To survive their police career, officers should strengthen every point of the survival triangle
Police work is often one gross-out waiting to be topped by the next
Here’s how the prevalence of deadly force opportunity in ordinary police experience can inform training
Your self-improvement efforts should not start when you take a formal leadership position on SWAT – your efforts should start even before you make the team
From balancing budgets to ensuring officers train on the latest tactical concepts, good leadership occurs before, during and after the call
Officer fitness, defensive tactics training and communication prevented tragedy during the takedown of an armed suspect
This story is for any officer who has ever questioned if it’s worth being tied up for two hours with a DUI arrest
Fight complacency caused by the “routine” by establishing a “tactical routine” oriented toward personal survival
If several people commit the same violation, it is a training, supervision, or management problem – agencies must fix the underlying issue
Juvenile assessment centers help law enforcement address the multiple issues associated with juvenile arrests
A successful prosecution is the desired result of most criminal investigations – and that begins with an effective case summary
Nowadays it is difficult to find an inspiring portrayal of police officers in many movies
A police chief offers a glimpse into the tragedies officers see every day that strengthen their resolve to serve their communities
Follow this movement system to help avoid injuries and release stress for improved job performance
If you know more criminals on your beat than citizens you protect, that’s a problem – here are four ways to remedy that
Every day cops see people who need a helping hand beyond traditional policing services
Follow these tips to keep your everyday carry knife in top condition