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Resources to improve officer safety & survival

With law enforcement staffing at crisis levels and violent crime spiking nationwide, there may never have been a more dangerous time to be a police officer. This special coverage provides guidance on prioritizing officer safety.

Download this guide to access resources and tactics to improve officer safety
While there are differing peer support and CISD models, there are recognized best practices you should consider
Autonomous devices have the potential to be a gamechanger for law enforcement safety and reconnaissance
What can the FTO do to help properly accelerate this process?
Identifying lessons learned with the life-saving goal of preventing future LEO deaths
Take that tactical pause before pressing the mic button
Respect may be the most important thing that contributes to an officer’s safety – here’s why
When an officer is murdered, law enforcement leaders must figure out what happened and why so as to examine current tactics and training
Our goal should be to provide the support that develops resilient officers, who are emotionally, physically and spiritually prepared to handle crisis
Ambush attacks on police officers do not discriminate in gender, assignment or age, and they affect all category of assignment
Using lessons learned from near misses to prevent injuries and fatalities from felonious assaults, missed firearms, ambushes and unprovoked attacks
A 1932 bloodbath at a remote Ozarks farm that resulted in the death of six LEOs still offers tactical lessons for officers today