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Dr. David P. Weber, who blew the whistle on misconduct in the Bernie Madoff and R. Allen Stanford cases, is using a $2.6M grant to oversee interns investigating fraudsters preying on the elderly
As America’s senior population grows, police must adjust to better serve their needs
For Anthony Flores and Steven Montroy, their unique friendship grew from an accidental call, a bumper sticker and a shared history of serving their country
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office also received 750 scent preservation kits for residents to help expedite the process of locating missing individuals
The incident occurred the same day more LAPD patrols were approved for the Hollywood area
Dispatcher Asisha Milton will never forget this call
One man claimed the shooter was a fellow resident who was “standing up” for the seniors
A flustered senior citizen called for help after struggling with his bank account
Officer Ross Chibe stayed with the couple until he was able to contact a family member
A pair of troopers went above and beyond to help a woman who ran out of gas along the interstate
A concerned citizen had called 911 about an elderly man sitting in his car in the sweltering heat
A patrol squad took matters into their own hands after senior citizens on their beat lost $33,000
The man is thought to have posed as a maintenance worker to gain access to senior living centers and smother his victims
“Every night I went home when it was raining and I couldn’t stop thinking about her,” said Officer Cynthia Padua
Seven people, including two police officers, jumped into the water in a rescue that was captured on security video
An elderly woman who used her flagpole in self-defense said she was worried the flag had become desecrated
Residents can email the sheriff’s department and ask a deputy to check on vulnerable individuals who may not be entirely able to care for themselves