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Police Humor

The Police Humor topic page offers all manner of cop humor — from funny police videos to weird police news and even police jokes — that we hope will bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your voice.

2022: The year’s biggest moments and trends
Explore this year’s most compelling recruitment messages from police agencies across the nation – all vying for the best talent
Laughing in a tough situation releases feel-good brain chemicals that help alleviate stress; however, problems arise when not everyone is on the joke
You never know what you’re going to find while on duty; here’s a roundup of the most unusual stolen items officers have recovered throughout their careers
The errant alert asked residents of Gotham City, Missouri, to be on the lookout for a purple and green car
The quick-thinking officer improvised when he realized he didn’t have the proper equipment to make the arrest
Officer Logan Walsh says he’s glad the two equines are home in time for Christmas
Construction route or invitation to a game of life and death?
Deputies had a “feeling in their bones that something wasn’t right”
Protect and serve (food)
The woman was arrested seconds later
Biles said the officer “felt bad” and would have accepted Olympic training as a good excuse for speeding
A deputy made a nutty discovery this week after a squirrel materialized in his squad car
The Rock himself is finally letting us know what he thinks about his doppelganger, Alabama police Lt. Eric Fields
Lt. Eric Fields says it’s been a running joke for years: “I go along with it. It’s flattering”
A viral moment between a Pennsylvania police department and a local deli gave everyone a chuckle
A cosmic mistake made one young officer the talk of the town
Lorraine Graves asked about reward money in the comments of her own “Most Wanted” feature
This is how you protect and serve (food)
The group was reportedly holding an exorcism for the dead trees
Officer Sammy Whiskers of the Dallas Police Department is known for his diligence, friendly attitude and purrfect attendance
“This silly guy found the one Airbnb in downtown Milwaukee loaded with cops,” Deputy Charles Pesola said
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! These bizarre animal encounters prove that you truly never know what you’ll see during a shift
When your spouse is in law enforcement, you’re bound to pick up some idiosyncrasies
First Peeps and now this
Search and rescue dachshunds, skateboard patrol, and drug-sniffing rabbits – all definitely 100% for real
Neither a poor weather forecast nor an ongoing pandemic could halt the first responder couple’s wedding plans
“He was a little feisty, not real cooperative,” police said
“To clarify, we are referring to this fake passenger,” California Highway Patrol joked
The “offer” posted on Facebook includes what the sheriff’s office described as a set of limited-edition platinum bracelets
Officers got the scoop on the suspect when a CVS called to report 8 stolen pints of Häagen-Dazs
A police officer stepped up to finish the job after the delivery driver was arrested on an outstanding warrant
2020: Unprecedented Challenges & Heroic Acts
How a police-run bakery in small-town Michigan helped keep a community together in 2020
Dunking from a ladder truck? Two-on-two in beaver costumes?