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Firearm Training System Simulators

Download this free guide to learn how your agency can apply for funds to support critical training activities
These two grants are your tickets to an innovative firearms training program
Before you purchase a firearm training simulator, check out these five buying tips
Garden City PD in Georgia chose VirTra so officers could build decision-making skills and marksmanship without worrying about scheduling
The 20-hour course will cover tactical emergency medical techniques, de-escalation and firearms training
Choose a training platform that addresses the need to develop split-second decision-making skills amid rapidly changing variables
Officers who use simulation training programs are more confident, use less force
Reality-based scenarios can help improve communication techniques to reduce use of force in calls involving people in emotional distress
The cop-crafted scenarios and varied outcomes offered by VirTra help officers practice making decisions in real time to develop more effective de-escalation tactics
A new program from VirTra teaches officers how to recognize mental health challenges and how to respond appropriately
Our PoliceGrantsHelp staff provide the tips you need to win firearms training grants