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Officer Suicide

Suicide is always preventable. If you are having thoughts of suicide or feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline immediately at 800-273-8255. Counselors are also available to chat at Remember: You deserve to be supported, and it is never too late to seek help. Speak with someone today.

The Irving Police Department and Irving Fire Department combined forces to offer EMDR therapy, an employee health clinic, wellness incentives and much more
A personal journey through grief, guilt and the search for suicide prevention in law enforcement
The dark thoughts we hide can become lethal. But when these thoughts are brought into the light of day, we can openly evaluate them, and remember what keeps us in the fight
The CBS special, “Code Blue: Officers in crisis,” takes a deeper look at what the department can do to provide better mental health support for officers
“For anybody out there that says they get plenty of time off, they get plenty of rest, I call bull----. It’s not true. It’s not sustainable.”
“What we see in this career, the calls that we get, can take a toll on somebody’s mental health and wellness,” said Cheshire County Sheriff Eli Rivera
An official said use of the department’s mental health and wellness programs are the highest they have been
The program was launched to address what officers experienced in the shootings’ aftermath and every day
“A Penny For Their Thoughts” seeks to raise a penny per mile to help responders and their families
The city unanimously passed an ordinance to extend LODD benefits to suicide deaths
Katie Slifko has no doubt that police work killed her husband. Now she’s raising awareness for job-related PTSD so that others know it, too
Blue H.E.L.P. presents a breakdown of law enforcement suicide statistics collected since 2016
Christopher Lowrance’s grueling trip has benefited Blue H.E.L.P., a nonprofit working to ride the stigma of discussing police mental health
Officers Gunther Hashida and Kyle DeFreytag took their own lives in recent weeks, police confirmed
As a leader, you are creating a partnership with your people, for your people, for their health and wellness
Police leaders must address why officers are not accessing internal resources to seek help
Deputy Inspector Denis Mullaney had called another officer moments before he shot himself, officials said
The Law Enforcement Suicide Data Collection Act aims to better understand and prevent suicides among current and past LEOs
The move comes after two officers died by suicide within five days, and months after a commander took his own life
It is the one sound you hear from the first day on the job to the last day of your police career – and beyond
Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown has promised action after a police sergeant criticized the department’s response
The motorsports industry has become one of the first sports to truly take notice of police suicide
The officer, who was feared to be suicidal, had been on a break and missing in his personal vehicle, police said
2020: Unprecedented Challenges & Heroic Acts
From mixed martial arts to sleep deprivation, here are some of the most popular Policing Matters podcasts of the year
There is a ‘healthcare desert’ in rural communities, with a near complete absence of mental healthcare providers in general, never mind ones versed in police stress or trauma
Sheriff Tim Whitcomb tells the heartfelt story of a fellow officer’s suicide that spurred his crusade to help LEOs minimize and dissipate the effects of PTSD
Trenton Police Sgt. Daniel Pagnotta was found dead by suicide in a parking lot Wednesday
The first step toward overcoming mental illness involves pushing back against stigmatizing self-talk
The new break room has resources to promote mental health awareness, especially after difficult calls
A series of special events begin Sunday night on the association’s Facebook page
Officers need to be able to trust that the leaders of their organizations recognize the stigmas attached to accessing mental health treatment
Blue H.E.L.P. provides comfort, support and honor to families who have lost an officer to suicide
The 34-year-old officer appeared to have shot herself, is the second suicide among active NYPD officers this year