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How an ALPR system operating on an in-car video system seamlessly identifies vehicles and people-of-interest (white paper)

Improve situational awareness without separate hardware or increased officer distraction

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Safe Fleet White Paper.JPG

Sponsored by Safe Fleet

Not all ALPR systems are equal. In fact, some deliver results that don’t meet expectations. That’s about to change with Safe Fleet Cognition, a new kind of Automatic License Plate Recognition system that operates on the Safe Fleet FOCUS In-Car Video System.

Unlike other systems, Cognition does not require separate hardware. Functioning in the background of the FOCUS In-Car Video System, Cognition notifies officers of hotlist matches as they occur, limiting officer distraction and improving situational awareness, response time and decision-making.

In addition, Cognition is more than a license plate recognition system. Cognition features AI object recognition and draws on performance gains make through these on-board analytics to consistently deliver greater than 98% plate detection rates.

In this free white paper, you will learn how Safe Fleet’s ALPR Systems:

  • Play into the bigger law enforcement picture
  • Increase officer safety and productivity
  • Are currently being used

And how Safe Fleet Cognition:

  • Avoids the challenges and pitfalls common to many other ALPR systems in use today
  • Delivers superior accuracy in real-world settings and large sample sizes
  • Provides the results of a much larger force: Safe Fleet Cognition is a force multiplier!

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