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Never think to yourself, “What can possibly happen today? We’re in the middle of a blizzard!”
Police and fire agencies worked together to prepare and care for a major ski event
A California sheriff’s department conducts drone training in an area popular for off-road snow sports
Deputies look at snow profiles and identify weak layers in the snow pack in Albany County, Wyoming
“They went out in the eye of the worst part of the storm to save people, putting their own safety aside,” said Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia
The individuals were on a tour bus heading to Washington, D.C., when the vehicle diverged from the road and got wedged into a snow bank
Lieutenant Patrick McDonald was supposed to go on vacation, but he volunteered to cover a shift near his home instead
Officers directed search and rescue efforts to locate stranded drivers and even used tactical vehicles like the ROOK to remove obstacles from roadways
Law enforcement officials said the majority of looters are “just using the storm as an excuse to steal,” rather than out of desperation for essential supplies
“If we have insufficient resources for our daily operations, we are truly behind the eight ball when severe weather and other emergencies occur,” a union rep said
Officer John O’Keefe had been out in the cold for some time, officials said
A massive nor’easter is a great time to flex those comedic muscles