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Officer Ariel Salley says his fellow officers have given him their blessing, having thrown him a going-away party the night before he left for Israel
“If you have excess law enforcement protective equipment, my office will collect them and ship it to the Israel Defense Forces,” the AG said in a letter to all 123 Va. sheriffs
McLennan County deputies with the Human Trafficking Unit will be training the Polish border patrol to look for signs of trafficking
“How can I take a picture on a French beach when there is a war in Europe?” said Lt. Pawel Nabialek
Officials called the theft “despicable”
“We can’t sit idly and watch it happen,” said Harrison Jozefowicz, an Army veteran
The surplus or expired equipment could potentially help protect militia fighters in Ukraine
Sheriff Kurt Hoffman says he hopes to play a small role in defending Ukrainian democracy
Hunter Lopez, 22, had planned to join the sheriff’s office after his deployment, said Sheriff Chad Bianco
The raid had targeted the suspected planner of the attacks on Paris that left 129 dead and 328 wounded
Police believe that a second assailant is on the loose