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Night Shift

Officers pose for a group photo while working the night shift in downtown Garden City, Kansas
The cops who stay awake while the rest of us are sleeping need special support to maintain their physical and mental health
6 takeaways from the Army Field Manual doctrine on readiness and sleep cops can use to reduce fatigue
Sgt. Matt Huettl of the Mankato Department of Public Safety captures the beauty of the aurora borealis
After a lightning storm rolls through the area, an officer captures the calm that followed
As the sun sets on 2022, we say hello to the New Year
Check out this night shot of a patrol vehicle in The Evergreen State
Working the night shift at the Eagle County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado
An Oklahoma deputy ends the midnight shift with a beautiful sunrise
Learn about the five critical considerations for determining which shift regimen is best suited for your response area and team.
What the research shows about how sleep loss impacts police performance and officer safety
Working the graveyard shift can make hitting the range extremely difficult – here’s how to use simulation 24/7 to keep officers sharp and improve individual skills
As one reader put it, the only thing out there is “cops, cabs and criminals”
Dogwatch isn’t for everyone, and getting through it can be tough
Even on quiet nights, there are other creatures inhabiting the darkness that would do the night-shift officer harm, so use these self-initiated activities to help stay alert
The night shift lifestyle can be harmful to your well-being; here are some ways to protect yourself
I preferred the night shift because there was great camaraderie among the ranks – but I paid the price for being a night owl