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A look back at Police1 content in 2023

The Police1 editorial team values the opportunity to collaborate with columnists and engage with readers


Throughout 2023, the primary challenge facing law enforcement continued to be recruitment. This year, our coverage highlighted not only the ongoing difficulties in attracting new officers and retaining existing staff but also the broader implications of these staffing issues. Law enforcement agencies have been grappling with the effects of understaffing, including overburdened officers, budget overruns due to excessive overtime, and in extreme cases, the suspension of certain patrols.

However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Reports suggest that the number of recruits is finally beginning to surpass the rate of retirements, indicating a positive trend in recruitment. This increase in new officers joining the ranks is a welcome change, though it will take time for communities to fully experience the benefits.

In addition to recruitment challenges, 2023 has also seen concerning trends in crime rates, including spikes in certain types of criminal activities. Law enforcement officers have faced increased risks, including ambushes and other direct threats to their safety. Despite these daunting challenges, veteran officers remain dedicated to their duty of protecting and serving, particularly the most vulnerable members of society.

At Police1, we are thankful for the chance to collaborate with our columnists, contributors and readers in delivering valuable content. Our goal is to ensure officers are not only safe while on duty but also inspired to excel every day.

Digital editions and special coverage

A cornerstone of Police1’s editorial content is our digital editions and special coverage packages, which focus on timely issues of importance to law enforcement nationwide.


March saw the publication of our first digital edition of the year: Prevention, disruption & response: The strategies communities must deploy to stop school shootings. This guide outlined how city officials, law enforcement, community leaders and parents can become involved in the development of strategies, plans, procedures and training to address the threat of school shootings in their community; the importance of enhanced counseling and effective threat assessment measures to disrupt a potential shooter’s pathway to violence; and what we can learn from averted acts of school violence. We also published several additional articles and podcasts on this topic that can be found on this page here, including an interview with retired FBI Special Agent Katherine Schweit on the progress being made in stopping the active shooter threat. In addition, we hosted two webinars in support of this critical topic: Developing effective strategies to prevent and respond to school shootings and Building safety schools.

June saw the publication of the results from our third annual “What Cops Want” survey. More than 4,100 LEOs responded to questions about the police recruitment and retention crisis. The digital edition we published detailed the survey findings including articles on what police officers love and hate about their jobs, dealing with toxic messages sabotaging officer recruitment and how to use the survey data to improve recruitment and retention. We featured additional survey analysis here and you can view an on-demand webinar discussing the results of the survey here.

Our third digital edition of the year hit the streets in September. In “Empowering law enforcement through data sharing” we review the benefits of data sharing between agencies, identify the roadblocks that currently prevent effective data sharing, outline the role of technology in facilitating information sharing and detail case studies that show the benefits of data sharing in action. Additional resources supporting this digital edition can be found here including a podcast on how a California real-time information center gathers and shares information and grant-funding opportunities to facilitate law enforcement data sharing.

Our final digital edition (due for release in early January) looks at the topic of evolving traffic enforcement technology and tactics. We discuss the modernization of traffic stop tools and tactics, emphasizing efficiency and safety in the face of staffing challenges and evolving public expectations. Supporting content can be found here.

Editorial webinars

We continued our successful series of law enforcement webinars in 2023, with the Police1 editorial team overseeing 10 live events. These webinars are free for attendees and after the live event, we post an in-demand version for ongoing streaming.

These webinars attract thousands of LEOs to the live events, followed by many more viewing the on-demand version. This year we featured the following:

Coming in 2024: Register now for our upcoming editorial webinars in January and February. Tactical disengagement and de-escalation is scheduled for January 18 and Police recruitment success strategies: A Policing Matters special is scheduled for February 12.

Policing Matters podcast

We worked with podcast host Jim Dudley to publish 53 episodes of the Policing Matters podcast, with a year full of diverse topics and interesting guests. This year also saw us producing each podcast in both video and audio format and sharing the video on Police1’s YouTube channel.

Here’s just a small selection of the topics we brought to listeners and viewers this year:

Coming in 2024: Look for themed podcast miniseries from Policing Matters, including an upcoming six-part series on police use of force with Jamie Borden. Be sure to add Policing Matters to your playlist.

First Responder Wellness Week

Our inaugural First Responder Wellness Week, produced in conjunction with Lexipol, Cordico and our sister sites, FireRescue1 and EMS1, ran from March 27-31 and was designed to provide resources, support and community to help public safety personnel better understand the mental and physical health risks that come with the job.

On Police1, we produced dozens of articles, videos and downloadable assets all with the goal of improving police officer resiliency. With nearly 100,000 page views of our content, it is clear physical and mental wellness is a priority for everyone in public safety.

Here’s a selection of the content we produced:

Coming in 2024: Mark your calendars for the second annual First Responder Wellness Week slated for March 25-29.

Police1’s Leader Playbook and Leadership Beat column

If you are a regular Police1 reader, you will know we are committed to focusing on leadership training for police leaders. Moving into a leadership role can be an exhilarating and proud moment; it can also be a daunting one. In recognition of that, we launched the Police Leader Playbook in June 2023, which is designed to provide resources to enhance your leadership skills, build trust with those you lead and boost your confidence.

Key content of the playbook includes our Leadership Development Series, where we address specific areas of leadership competency and offer learning points, strategies and tips. In addition, the Police Leader Playbook also houses our Leadership Beat column, where through a handful of questions presented by Police1, veteran leaders reflect on their early days in leadership roles and offer advice, while newer leaders detail their experiences taking on a new position. To date we have interviewed 12 police chiefs from across the country:

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Coming in 2024: Look out for interviews with Hutto (Texas) Police Chief Jeffrey Yarbrough and Altoona (Wisconsin) Police Chief Kelly Bakken publishing in early January. Follow all our Leadership Beat content here.

IACP 2023

The Police1 editorial team was on the ground in San Diego this year to report from the IACP exhibit hall floor and summarize key educational sessions. A big thanks to Lexipol Editorial Director Greg Friese for his summaries of several sessions including how to fund a law enforcement childcare center and advancing policing through AI. We also tasked Police1 columnist Eric Tung and Michelle Gundy with reporting from the event.

In addition to our written coverage, we posted several video interviews with IACP speakers, as well as some of the sights and sounds from this year’s conference:

New Police1 authors in 2023

We had over 100 new authors write for Police1 in 2023 on a variety of topics. Here’s just a small sample:

We are committed to working with new and emerging writers, offering mentorship and guidance. We encourage anyone interested in writing to first read our author guidelines and then submit ideas.

News analysis

Some of the highest-viewed articles on Police1 deal with the analysis of current events. The Police1 editorial team works closely with columnists to identify incidents where a review of what happened and a discussion of the implications for law enforcement would be beneficial to Police1 readers. Some of the top articles this year included:

Editor’s picks

We published nearly 700 pieces of content on Police1 this year, in addition to the thousands of news articles. We are incredibly grateful for the efforts of everyone who wrote articles. While it is nearly impossible to select “favorites,” here are some of our top picks:

Year in review coverage

We have just finished our year in review coverage, which features three fantastic profiles. Lt. Dan Marcou tells the story of the fatal Fargo ambush from the only officer left standing to eliminate the gunman and award-winning freelance writer Katja Ridderbusch details a case study in effective officer recruitment and retention and profiles corrections officer Ehea Schuerch whose rise in the world of tactical sports has helped her become a better public safety officer.

We also offered a roundup of the best police recruitment videos of 2023, our annual list of 50 states, 50 police heroes by Senior Editor Sarah Calams and a countdown of the biggest events in law enforcement this year from Policing Matters podcast host Jim Dudley. Find all our year in review coverage here.

Editorial team member achievements

I would like to close by recognizing the many achievements of the Police1 editorial team – Senior Editor Sarah Calams, Assistant Editor Joanna Putman and News Editor Sarah Roebuck. Without their efforts, breaking news would not get posted on the websites each day. In addition, Sarah Calams contributes original content throughout the year. My favorites in 2023 include:

Police1’s sister site, Corrections1

In addition to the content posted on Police1, the editorial team also posted hundreds of news items and nearly 100 pieces of original content from contributors on Corrections1.

We worked with 22 new authors this year including Alexander Burton and Cheryl Lero Jonson who reported on findings from research on key corrections issues, Shawn Roscoe posted the question of whether drones are a viable solution for correctional staffing challenges and MaryAnn looked at what America can learn from Norway’s prisons.

Correction1’s regular columnists also contributed several excellent articles this year, including:

In November 2023, we published the digital edition Advancing community corrections on Corrections1. With caseloads on the rise and limited resources, the field has turned to innovative solutions to enhance offender accountability, improve case management and increase public safety. We also hosted the webinar Custody transitions: Officer safety from intake through booking on both Police1 and Corrections1.

On behalf of the entire Police1 team, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Nancy Perry is Editor-in-Chief of Police1 and Corrections1, responsible for defining original editorial content, tracking industry trends, managing expert contributors and leading the execution of special coverage efforts.

Prior to joining Lexipol in 2017, Nancy served as an editor for emergency medical services publications and communities for 22 years, during which she received a Jesse H. Neal award. In 2022, she was honored with the prestigious G.D. Crain Award at the annual Jesse H. Neal Awards Ceremony. She has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Sussex in England and a master’s degree in Professional Writing from the University of Southern California. Ask questions or submit ideas to Nancy by e-mailing