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An agent from the federal Drug Enforcement Agency was shot in the elbow Monday morning as he and other agents were serving a search warrant
No charges to be brought against officers involved in a raid that seriously injured a toddler when a flash grenade detonated in his playpen
Appeals court on Monday refused to reverse a decision that dismissed a manslaughter charge against officer who killed a 7-year-old during a raid
Officer insists he accidentally pulled the trigger during the fatal raid when a witness grabbed his gun
Jon Daniel was watching cartoons with one of his sons when he created a spoof Twitter account in the name of the Peoria mayor. Out of boredom, he began sending profane messages about sex, drugs and alcohol
Member of an elite Detroit police unit is set to stand trial again for killing a 7-year-old girl during a 2010 raid on her house that was captured on video by a reality TV crew
Officer accidentally killed a 7-year-old girl during a raid, attorney concerned a “media frenzy” following Ferguson could harm his client’s right to an impartial jury
About 1K officers fanned out across city’s downtown to search dozens of businesses suspected of taking bulk cash funneled by drug cartels for clothing exported to Mexico
Police raid severely injured a baby when a flash grenade detonated in the child’s play pen
Departments cannot use a shield of immunity to protect them from millions of dollars in civil rights claims arising from a 2008 tactical-team raid that killed a man and injured a homeowner
Girl approached police June 6 after becoming concerned about the health of her dog after her parents’ daily use would fill the house with smoke — making her and the pet sick
A firefighter and a battalion chief are accused of warning drug dealers about raids
Habersham County District Attorney Brian Rickman said his office is investigating to determine whether any officers will face criminal charges
San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr said the raid was linked to an ongoing aggravated assault investigation
DEA on Wednesday broadened its national crackdown on synthetic drug manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers
Officer who obtained a search warrant was present when it was executed, but wasn’t able to stop deputies before they entered